This afternoon, I couldn’t stop thinking about rice. I was annoyed at dinner last night because I was forced to have my curry shrimp without any rice. It was good but it was missing something (rice, duh) so I didn’t thoroughly love it as I normally would. So it’s been bugging me all day today. When I want something, I must have it! Enter cauliflower: The fearless rice replacer.
When I was simply gluten free, I never missed pasta or bread because I was always eating rice. I ate rice quite often, especially since Brandon and I love all kinds of Asian foods: Thai, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and even the occasional Indian dish. Rice is a huge part of Asian culture. I can attest to this, having grown up in a Korean household where we ate some form of Korean food (with rice) daily. And what’s not to like? It’s chewy, filling, and soaks up the flavor of whatever you’re eating with it. Continue reading →
I added a new section today: Paleo Lifestyle! Lately, living Paleo has become incredibly important to me. If you read my last post about redefining my fab & frugal journey, you already know that I was recently diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. So after years of being a gluten-free weekday vegetarian, I made the switch to Paleo so I could begin my healing journey. Continue reading →
This loose definition of fab frugal (see below) was what I wrote on my About page as well as my sideline bio back in 2014. It’s a personal mantra that I strongly believe in to this day. That’s what motivated me to start a blog, so I can share my journey with others.
It’s been a little while since my last post. Lucky for me, at the time of this writing, I’m still pretty new to the blogosphere so I’m hopeful that no one noticed my absence. So much has happened this past year that required major life adjustments, which made me question my fab & frugal journey. Continue reading →